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Home > Articles > ท่องเที่ยว > 5 Reasons Why You Should Work in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality

5 Reasons Why You Should Work in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality

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Happy Holidays Chanchot!

It's just a few short days until Christmas and I can't believe how this year has flown!
While you're shopping for last minute gifts, making your home guest-ready for the holidays or just taking this time to chill out and relax, I just want to tell you how grateful I am to have you as part of our fast growing community here at Tourism Exposed.

I have loved hearing your stories which have inspired me to create more material on Tourism Exposed like the 3 Apps You Must Download Today to Find a Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Job and How to Get a Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Job Without Experience, just to name a few.

Thank you Chanchot and I look forward to helping you even more in 2015.

Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year.

To Your Success,
Tourism Exposed

1748 Gordon Lane
Tobyhanna PA 18466

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ม.ล.ชาญโชติ ชมพูนุท

27 ธ.ค.2557

5 Reasons Why You Should Work in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality


There’s something about quitting that doesn’t sit right with me.

Everyone always says, “never quit and never give up,” but sometimes you just have to.

After graduating from college I worked at a company that programs music and produces music-related content for digital cable television. When I first started, I loved my job. I was 22 and excited because after all, my job was dealing with music all day. What’s not to love?

I spent my time there being the best employee I could be. I’d come in early, work late and sometimes work weekends. I was grateful for my job, but my feelings of excitement faded fast.

Here’s why.

There came a point where I wanted to investigate the travel, tourism and hospitality industry as a field to get into work wise because I always loved traveling, meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds and wanted to learn more about why destinations chose to promote themselves the way they do.

As a result, I decided that the best next step for me was to go back to school full-time to learn more about the overall industry. However, I stayed at my job another year because of the stability it provided.

And I stayed because I was scared of the unknown.

Now unfortunately, something happens when you become clear about what you really want. What you don’t want seems to become unbearable.

Everyday I would come to work literally sick to my stomach. I was so depressed, I wanted to move ahead, but I kept listening to everyone’s opinion about it being hard to get a job so I shouldn’t quit the one I already have.

The nail in the coffin was when I overheard some of my coworkers talking about how long they worked at the company. One of them said, “What was supposed to be a two-year job turned into 10 years.” I sat there thinking, “That is NOT going to be me. There is something more for me, I just have to find it, and I won’t find it being stuck here.”

With that, I gave my two weeks’ notice. I felt like the world was being lifted off my shoulders. I was nervous and excited at the same time.

As I went into the next chapter of my career, I didn’t have everything planned and I definitely didn’t have all of the answers. But all I knew was that I wanted to have a career in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry and in order to have that I had to let go of my fear of the unknown that was holding me back.

Many people asked me…

Why do you want to work in tourism?

What could you possibly do in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry?

What’s so great about the industry?

Well there are 5 reasons why I was interested in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry all those years ago that continue to be good reasons why you should work in travel, tourism and hospitality today.

1. A Powerful Industry

Tourism is the world’s largest and fastest growing industry with a total economic contribution to the world’s economy of $2 trillion and over 100 million jobs!

Many people think of tourism as something that only touches their lives when they travel away from home. In reality, tourism is much broader and influences everyone’s life on a daily basis.

Travel, tourism and hospitality generates a great amount of spending, jobs, incomes and federal, state and local tax revenues in destinations ranging from rural villages to cosmopolitan cities. This money often provides the additional revenue needed for local businesses to be and remain financially viable.

2. Dynamic Work Environments

The diversity of career paths within the travel, tourism and hospitality industry is so great that you can basically work in any type of environment you want.

Positions range from front-line or operational jobs involving significant contact with the traveling public, to supervisory and management positions that involve people management skills, to influential and challenging positions at the executive or entrepreneur level in national and international organizations.

All positions are challenging and rewarding and few positions are nine-to-five jobs. However, each and every position in travel, tourism and hospitality has one responsibility common, the total satisfaction of every visitor or tourist.

3. An Innovative Industry

Travel, tourism and hospitality is one of the most dynamic and competitive industries in the world. Destinations worldwide must ensure that their tourism and hospitality infrastructure, products and services always anticipate the visitor or tourist’s changing needs and preferences in order to stay ahead of their competition.

New ideas and skills are constantly being developed across every area of the industry, from innovative mobile applications and distinctive menus to creative hotel room design and imaginative tour itineraries.

4. Endless Opportunities

A career in travel, tourism and hospitality is one that can literally open up the world for you, especially if you want to combine your work with travel. Nearly all of the occupations in this industry and skills that you can develop by working in this industry are transferable across the U.S., as well as on an international basis.

This is an industry that will enable you to learn about and interact with people from a wide variety of cultures and lifestyles from around the globe. More and more emerging destinations such as countries across Eastern Europe and Asia for example are beginning to actively promote themselves to potential tourists.

If you prefer to remain in the U.S., the world is now coming to us in record numbers, which means that career opportunities are being created every day.

5.  Easy Entry and Advancement

Travel, tourism and hospitality is an industry you can get involved in easily and immediately. Whether you start as a volunteer, helping your own neighborhood to develop a festival, or work part-time in your community’s welcome center assisting visitors, you can start accumulating valuable experience now!

It is so important for me to encourage you to enter and develop a career in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry because this industry desperately needs you. It needs passionate professionals at every level, from entry to executive.

In return, you will have a challenging and fulfilling career in the world’s largest and most diverse industry and employer. It is an industry that contributes to world understanding and is an important economic activity in most countries around the world.

I know I made the right choice all those years ago to enter this industry. It has allowed me the chance to travel and see the world and meet so many fascinating people, all the while growing my professional career quicker than I ever thought would be possible


แก้ไขล่าสุด ใน วันเสาร์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม 2014 เวลา 14:31 น.  
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