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Message from Kimberly

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ผมได้รับ e-mail จาก Kimberly เห็นว่าเป็นประโยชน์กับผู้ที่ชอบการท่องเที่ยว และอยากหางานด้านการท่องเที่ยวทำ จึงนำมาเผยแพร่ในวันนี้


Hi Chanchot,

I hope you're having a wonderful Saturday.

How many people do you know absolutely couldn't wait all week for today to finally arrive?

After all, it's Saturday and for many of us it's NOT a workday.

It's an epidemic how many of us, every Monday to Friday, count down to the weekend because we hate our jobs so much and just want to be free.

It's so bad that we've actually assigned names to some of the workdays, just to give us motivation and strength to get us through the week.

Manic Mondays...

Hump Day Wednesday...

And our favorite...TGIF (Thank God It's Friday)

But what if I told you that you don't have to go through week after week, counting down to the weekend, just so you can escape from your job that you hate for two days only.

Your travel dream job is waiting for you. But first let me ask you a question.

Are you looking for it? You should be. Because it's out there. And it's easy to find.

People are always talking about their "dream job" in the travel industry, but how many people do you know have it? Not too many I'm sure. So why do so many people talk about it but so few achieve it?

The truth is that most people don't try to have their travel dream job.

It's not because their dream job doesn't exist in this industry, it's because most people don't know how to go about finding it. Your dream job is not just something you happen to stumble upon one day; it's something that must be carefully crafted.

There are four "S's" that will help you land your dream job in travel, tourism and hospitality: Self-Confidence, Specificity, Skill and Stubbornness.

1. SELF-CONFIDENCE: To find your dream job in this industry you have to be unwilling to settle for less. If you allow yourself to stay in a job outside of this industry that you don't love simply because it's stable and safe, then the chances of finding your dream job will be slim. It takes having confidence in yourself to go after your travel dream job and believe it exists.

2. SPECIFICITY: The number of people who cannot articulate what their dream job really is always surprises me. Ok, so you want to work in travel, tourism and hospitality. What does that mean? What type of position do you want? What kind of company do you want to work for?

3. SKILL: If you don't have the skills or qualifications for your dream job, you can strategically develop your career path to draw your dream job closer to you. Those who get jobs in this industry are those who can sell themselves the best and have functional skills that are transferable from one job to another.

4. STUBBORNNESS: Most people look for their dream jobs when they find themselves with no job or in between jobs. They don't really believe they'll find their travel dream job, but they look for it anyway at the same time they're looking for an "in the meantime" job. Don't do this. The best way to find your dream job is to get as specific as possible about what you're looking for in this industry and then be consistent in taking action to get it.

Chanchot, if you're ready and clear about what you want and what you can do, you can improve your chances of landing your travel dream job. While others are just going through the weekend wishing that it never ends and dreading Mondays, you'll be able to welcome each Monday with a smile, knowing that you're about to start your workweek right because you have your dream job.

However, if you still haven't figured out what you want to do in this industry, I'm actually in the process of creating a program designed specifically to help you get unstuck and finally discover where you belong in the travel industry.

Even if you have no clue where to start, you’ll learn how to come up with a travel career idea that you can use to break into the travel industry and start your travel career right. The step-by-step program will:

  • Share my best shortcuts and proven strategies to help you explore, evaluate and narrow down what type of job or career really fits you best in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry based on your existing skills, knowledge, interests and work experience.
  • Provide detailed explanations on which transferable skills match with which types of career paths in the industry overall, along with complete job titles across the entire industry.
  • Give you the exact steps I took to achieve career clarity quickly, launch my tourism career and make my dreams of getting paid to travel around the world a reality.

​Would this be of interest to you Chanchot?

Please take just a second to hit reply and let me know your response. I read each and every email.

And if you have specific ideas about what you’d like me to include, let me know! This is a unique opportunity to have an online program tailored to your needs.

Thanks and I’ll be in touch soon.

1748 Gordon Lane
Tobyhanna PA 18466

แก้ไขล่าสุด ใน วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม 2015 เวลา 13:12 น.  
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