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Kimberly ' I can't stay long

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Hi Chanchot,

Kimberly here…

I can’t stay long because I’m about to take my son Evan, to the playground to burn off some of that 4 year old energy… 

But before I load him up in the swing (Evan's fave of course) I wanted to drop by and see if you’d want to work with me personally…

What will we work on? 

Helping you to find a career you can use to get paid to travel the world, do work you love and live a global lifestyle…

And we’ll do it all in just 8 weeks. 

But let me rub off some of the razzle dazzle first…

* You have to hustle. To get this stuff under your belt in 8 weeks there’s no lollygagging around. I’ll tell you what to do, but YOU have do it. 

* You won’t actually start working at your dream job in 8 weeks, but the goal is you’ll have EVERYTHING you need to start applying and an easy chance to actually making it happen. 

* You have to be a professional woman (sorry fellas - don't worry I have something coming soon just for you ;-). 

* This is a serious and legitimate process I’m sharing and there IS a serious investment involved…


The price of actually making this happen is FAR less than the cost of remaining in a cubicle for the next 20 years!


If you’re still here. 

Here’s the spoils…

* In a matter of a few months you can be working in a job you LOVE and can be proud to tell your friends and family about while traveling abroad. 

* You can work in a job that’s custom tailored for you and be able to wander the world at your leisure.

* You can treat life like a permanent vacation while doing work you’re passionate about.

* And you can do ALL of this without giving up a stable salary. **BONUS**

Traveling to exotic places while doing work that fulfills you is more easily attainable when you have an exact blueprint…

In 8 Weeks you will:

* Have figured out your unique skill set and strengths that businesses are willing to pay you for.

* Figure which options & paths those skills are best applied to and will make you the most income with the most flexibility.

* Know how to design your ideal resume that goes to the top of the pile.

* Know how to NAIL your ideal dream job interview…

And I’m sure I’m leaving a ton of good stuff out. 

Plus, I’m sure you’ve got a ton of questions..

So let’s do this…

Let’s see if we can work together.

I’m about to roll out this new advanced training to the public but I wanted to give you a chance to grab one of the 10 spots before I did…

But I’ve got a short application for you to fill out first. 

Fill it out here.

If it looks like a possible match, then I’ll give you a call to get to know you a little better, ask you a few questions, answer any questions you may have and see if you’d like to join the class. 

Just so you know…

This is NOT some hard pitched sales call. 

Here’s why…

There are PLENTY of people for me to coach. 

The problem is not getting coaching clients, the problem for me is making sure I’m coaching the right people and that I’m the right coach for them too. 

This is a casual interview. 

If I feel we’re a good match…I’ll simply ask if you want to join us. 

If not, no worries. 

Here’s the application again.

Fill it out today and I’ll give you a call tomorrow or the next day to set up a time to get to know you. 

To your success, 


1748 Gordon Lane
Tobyhanna PA 18466

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แก้ไขล่าสุด ใน วันจันทร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน 2016 เวลา 20:17 น.  
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