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Home > Articles > ท่องเที่ยว > Tourism Exposed is officially OVER AND DONE

Tourism Exposed is officially OVER AND DONE

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Kimberly Ramsawak

Tourism Exposed is officially OVER AND DONE

Hi Chanchot,


Yes, it’s true. Tourism Exposed is gone.


Wow, that’s really surreal (and honestly, pretty bittersweet) to say.


But despite the salty tears in my iced coffee this morning, I couldn’t be more excited about it.


Yes, I’m excited that the website and brand that completely changed my life is now no more.




Because after months of planning, finally my NEW website…


Professional Jetsetter


…is up! I’m so excited to share my new site with you. My team and I have worked around the clock the past few weeks. And I could not be more proud of how it turned out.


This re-brand was not in my 2016 plans. But I’ve been really looking at refining my own message to make sure it’s completely authentic for the work I do. However, I was scared.

  • I kept making excuses.
  • It’s not the right time.
  • I’m too busy. Maybe next year.
  • It has to be perfect and I am not ready to make it perfect.

Silly excuses, right? That’s what I was coming up with.


But here’s what made the difference…


When I finally COMMITTED and make the decision that this was happening no matter what, the rest was history.


And I think that my team absolutely did an amazing job of putting this website together.


But let’s talk about why I did this…


Tourism Exposed has been going incredibly well. I have close to 2,000 community members across 58 countries. And my flagship course Passport To Travel Career, has been connecting with readers like never before.


So why spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours going through a full complete change of it and my business model overall?


Because deep down in the core of my being I’ve realized that it’s my purpose to help professional women who are driven, ambitious and incredibly smart stop stressing and create a travel career they love and craft the global lifestyle of their dreams.


And - as with everything I have done through Tourism Exposed - the end of Tourism Exposed and the creation of Professional Jetsetter came as the result of hundreds of survey responses, phone calls and Skype interviews I did with members of the Tourism Exposed community.


Your advice was pure gold and helped me to hone in on the specific people I feel I can relate to and help the best and I wanted my business to properly reflect that. 


I now have a space on the web that serves my best readers by better representing me, what I do, who I’m choosing to serve, and who I connect with at a higher level.


So head on over to Professional Jetsetter and cruise around the new site.


The change from Tourism Exposed to Professional Jetsetter is much more than just a redesign though.


As much as it’s fun and exciting to “change things up” for the coming new year, and get some fresh energy circulating, change for the sake of change often results in us moving – sideways or even backwards - but not really going anywhere.


But change that aligns with our values and our true selves regarding what we want to do and where we see ourselves going, results in forward motion – which is exactly what I was after.


When I began Tourism Exposed in 2014 I wanted to share with you - a student or career changer - strategies, tactics and tips that I’ve learned along the way about how to develop a career in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry. I never could have imagined how many amazing things would happen simply because I decided to take a chance and hit publish.


And while I’ll definitely miss Tourism Exposed and I’ll never forget what it has helped me achieve, the reason why I started Tourism Exposed in the first place has evolved.


It isn’t just about helping people break into the travel, tourism and hospitality industry anymore.


It’s about me helping professional women - who are committed, intentional, seriously motivated and ready - have an unique career that pays them to travel the world, while doing work they love, so they can live a global lifestyle.


And it’s about truly making Professional Jetsetter a movement when it comes to building a global lifestyle that makes these women happier.


Professional Jetsetter exists because I believe doing work you love and traveling at the same time without having to give up all the good you got going on at home is a right – as long as you have the right guidance, tools and mentor to make it possible.


So I like to think of this new website as taking my vision and mission to the next level.


So for those who were there from the very beginning of Tourism Exposed three years ago and read every blog post and invested in Passport To Travel Career and are still riding with me, I cannot begin to express my gratitude. Tourism Exposed exists because of YOU. Thank you so much.


But if you’re an ambitious, driven and savvy woman with a serious case of wanderlust who wants to take action now to find a way to get paid to fly around the globe, visit exotic locales + immerse yourself in other cultures as a career, then I invite you to your new home away from home, Professional Jetsetter.


Click here to go to Professional Jetsetter now.


Happy Holidays,





1748 Gordon Lane
Tobyhanna PA 18466

แก้ไขล่าสุด ใน วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม 2016 เวลา 17:28 น.  
Home > Articles > ท่องเที่ยว > Tourism Exposed is officially OVER AND DONE

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