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Home > Articles > การศึกษา > Part 3 - Benefits of LMS

Part 3 - Benefits of LMS

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Managing knowledge and learning in the modern organization – what to look out for when choosing an LMS - and the significant benefits that can be gained.

A short recap

So we have looked at some of the common challenges facing the learning organization in today’s knowledge economy. These challenges we have identified

  1. from an organizational, enterprise-wide perspective (Knowledge not located in one central repository, knowledge is not organized for easy search, knowledge security not guaranteed),
  2. from a managerial perspective (No managerial access to and clear understanding of knowledge, Training & up skilling becomes difficult) and also a
  3. staff perspective (reduced productivity, poor communication and exchange, lack of a transparent training plan, lack of an interactive learning environment).

Looked at from another angle, the challenges of poor learning & knowledge management can also be summed up as:

  1. Ineffective, costly & time-consuming learning process
  2. Vicious cycle of knowledge loss and reacquisition
  3. Lack of managerial control

All solutions considered should address the various ins and outs of these challenges directly and effectively. In the next section we outline some of the characteristics and features you should look out for when selecting a learning management system.

Things to look for in a quality modern Learning Management System (LMS)

A modern LMS should allow employee and company knowledge to be captured, structured and easily made available for multiple forms of teaching, learning, collaboration, managerial reporting and strategic decision-making. When looking at different Learning Management Systems you should ascertain that the system has solutions & features to deliver following critical benefits:

  • LMS Thailand BenefitsQuality & control: knowledge must be centralized, paperless and easily accessed and kept up-to-date
  • Continuity: the ability to standardise knowledge transfer between new and transferring staff
  • Structure: knowledge should be layered and structured according to multiple criteria such as organization structure, location, job role, development path etc…
  • Security: knowledge can be securely hosted on an enterprise server
  • Accountability: easy creation and management of real-time online reports and analysis for managers, supervisors and trainers; enables progress tracking, certifications, skills appraisals, tests and career development.
  • Mobility: shared access and collaboration, available everywhere over company network or internet, and across multiple media, platforms and devices. Powerful communication features
  • Reduced training costs: Measurablyless time from new to productive employee; standardised trainings across different media; less trainer & manager hours.
  • User-friendly: easy to use, easy to customize. Spend time learning the job, not learning to use the tool.
  • Easy scaling: easy and cost-effective expansion

The list above is a good start to asking the right questions from your software vendor, and to design some performance tests for the system under consideration.

quality LMS that is well-suited for your learning & knowledge management needs will be liked by your customers, staff, managers and accountants alike… because it delivers substantial business benefitsoperational benefits and cost/financial benefits.


Speak to your trusted IT partner and LMS expert to start the process of finding a system that will turn your business into a truly learning organisation.

แก้ไขล่าสุด ใน วันศุกร์ที่ 09 มกราคม 2015 เวลา 11:08 น.  
Home > Articles > การศึกษา > Part 3 - Benefits of LMS

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