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Home > Articles > การศึกษา > ฝรั่งตกใจ การชุมนุมไล่รัฐบาลโกงกิน ไม่นึกว่าคนจะมากันมากมายขนาดนี้

ฝรั่งตกใจ การชุมนุมไล่รัฐบาลโกงกิน ไม่นึกว่าคนจะมากันมากมายขนาดนี้

พิมพ์ PDF
คนเตรียมมาชุมนุม 3-5 วัน เพื่อไล่รัฐบาลที่โกงกินบ้านเมือง

ฝรั่งตกใจ การชุมนุมไล่รัฐบาลโกงกิน

Just back from a few hours at the protests and I’ll admit it-  I’m surprised. I thought the protest would be a few thousand, the bored, the instagram/fakebook crowd and the paid. Its packed… photos attached. The crowd at the main stage at the Ratchaprasong intersection is as big (and perhaps bigger) than any of the Red Shirt groups that were same place as 2010. The crowd goes down the road, past the police station and past Siam Paragon on to the Patumwan intersection. It’s the same at the Asoke intersection. Speaking to people, the ones who look like they are planning to stay long term because they have tents; they plan for 3 to 5 days. The junctions at Victory Monument are almost as crowded (looks like I’m walking home tonight). The commentary from the sage is what you would expect- corruption, anti constitutional behavior, abuse of power and also an attack on the DSI - our equivalent of the FBI.

Mass transit continues to run and was also packed as it the only way to navigate the city at the moment.

With the Government hoping that there would be a small turnout, it would be an unpleasant surprise to find so many on the streets- it’s almost like Carnival in Brazil, just more clothes. My biggest takeaway is that this is not like the Red Shirt rallies; which were a largely paid group (the final photo to highlight it). With this level of support, the protest leaders get a new lifeline.

Whats next?

There remains no clear exit strategy or  possibility for a negotiated solution. The Democrat party (yes- they need to change the name) won’t come to the table, there is no real reason for the Government to negotiate. Like it or not they are the elected government. The chance of a coup is remote as the military know that would be chaos as the upcountry red shirts would fight back. Already Red Shirt radio are portraying this as an ‘attack’ on our hero Thaksin’s little sister- who happens to be the PM. We have more court decisions due this week and that’s frankly more relevant to the Government’s ability to operate than the protests.

ฝรั่งสมัยนี้ไม่รู้ว่า รัฐบาลฮิตเล่อร์ก็เป็น elected government

วิจารณ์ พานิช

๑๓ ม.ค. ๕๗




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Home > Articles > การศึกษา > ฝรั่งตกใจ การชุมนุมไล่รัฐบาลโกงกิน ไม่นึกว่าคนจะมากันมากมายขนาดนี้

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