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Education 3.0

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Education 3.0


by James G. Lengel, Hunter College School of Education, City University of New York


To understand education today, we must look back in history. 150 years ago, people worked on the land, outdoors, withhand tools, in small groups. They did not travel far. The work did not change much from generation to generation. Daughters did the same work as their mothers, and their grandmothers, and their mothers before them. With the same tools. They talked as they worked. Same for the sons and fathers and grandfathers. Work groups included both old and young. The technology of work changed slowly. When the tools  broke, the people could fix them. We can call thisWorkplace 1.0.


Now let us look at the schools of those days. The students learned on the land outdoors, in small groups. They did not travel far. They used simple hand tools. Work groups included both old and young. Fathers and grandfathers went to the same school, and learned the same things. We can call this Education 1.0.


Education and the workplace matched exactly. The school produced the kinds of citizens needed by the world around it. Someone who could work well in a small group, with hand tools, performing a variety of tasks each day, with a clear view of the world outside, with a small circle of connections.


Fifty years later, the workplace changed. People went to work in factories, with mechanical tools. They worked in large groups. But they worked alone at their machine. Everybody did the same thing at the same time, all day long. They were not allowed to talk. They used paper and pencil and sat at desks. They were not very happy. And they were closely supervised. Let us call this Workplace 2.0 This new workplace required a new set of skills, and a new kind of citizen.


And so the schools changed to match the needs of the new, industrial economy. Students were formed into large groups, all of the same age. They were closed inside, and worked according to the clock. They used mechanical tools, pencil and paper. They all did the same thing at the same time. They were closely supervised. Let us call this Education 2.0.


Again, education matched the workplace. In both places, people worked alone, but in large groups. They used mechanical tools, they did the same thing all day, and had little connection with the world outside.


Now let us look at the workplace of today, workplace 3 dot zero, very different from the factory. Most people today work in small groups. They solve problems together. They use digital tools. They present new ideas to each other. Robots do the mechanical work. People with clean hands re-program the robots when things go wrong. They work on problems that no one has ever seen before. They must bring to bear chemistry, mathematics, biology, history and literature to solve the problem. They must gather information from many sources, most of it on the network, arriving in many different formats. They must be multi-taskers. They talk with each other. They use digital tools for communication. They work with a wide circle of people, all over the world. Let us call this Workplace 3.0.


Now, let us take our camera into the schools of today to see if education has changed to meet the new economy. What do we see? Students in large groups, using paper and pencil tools. They all do the same thing at the same time. They enjoy few connections with the world outside. They are closely supervised. They do the same thing all day long. They do not talk with each other. They are not happy. What is wrong?


Education has not changed to meet the needs of the world around it. Today's workplace demands people who can work in small groups to solve problems, using digital tools, prepared to perform many different tasks during the day, without close supervision, and with a large circle of connections. The schools are not doing this. They have not invented Education 3.0. They are still doing Education 2.0.


The question for us today is, "What should Education 3.0 look like?" in order to produce the kinds of citizens we need for today and tomorrow? What is your dream of Education three dot zero?


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๑๒ ต.ค. ๕๖

561103, education 3.0, James Lengel, การศึกษายุคใหม่, การเรียนรู้แห่งศตวรรษที่ ๒๑






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